27. Okt. 2020 VeChain - Shanghai (ots/PRNewswire) - In Partnerschaft mit VeChain und DNV GL hat das Renji-Krankenhaus, ein führendes der Shanghai 


VeChain introducing its latest blockchain powered Global Carbon Credit APP being implemented in partnership with BYD and DNV GL.

Using blockchain technology, we are the first in the certification industry taking a step further to provide digital assurance, allowing our customers to be more transparent in their efforts to show compliance and adherence to … 2019-01-11 DNV GL is also the biggest certifier of vessels and offshore structures. In March 2018, they implemented VeChain’s first Dapp My Story, a digital assurance solution which targets the food and beverages industry based on audits and data collection. 2021-03-19 2020-09-09 2018-01-26 2018-01-24 Vechain’s ever energetic associate DNV GL keeps on firing on all cylinders with colossal relationships that provide endless glories to the former. Last year, a report by Weixin announced DNV GL signed a strategic partnership with Tencent, one of the world largest providers of online service and the owner of the popular messaging platform WeChat. 2020-06-29 For over 10 years now, blockchain has for the most part been a subject of speculation, with nothing but hopes of adoption.

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https://www.dnvgl.com/news/dnv-gl-paonsumer-110284. A conversation about the VeChain Ecosystem. Hosts Ben Yorke and Kenneth Ashley discuss the latest technical news, third-party dApps, and business  #Vechain #IBM #MicrosoftAzure, #AWS #DNVGL #PWC #Deloittte #KPMG #EY #PICC #Haier #MOBI #BMW #BYD #RenaultGroup #DHL #DBSchenker  Först genom indaHash Value Sek omprofilering VeChain som VeChain Thor och införa den nya token som om partnerskap IDH Omvandlare med företag som LogSafer, Xminnov, D.I.G, DNV.GL, Renault, BitOcean, China Unicom och BMW. VeChain, DNV GL lanserar ny COVID-19 riskbedömningslösning för hotell. Blockchain2 timmar sedan. Nya amerikanska sanktioner riktar sig mot kryptadresser  VeChain (VEN/VET) has a huge potential — Steemit. Quadrant EPP was granted DNV GL Certificate for Equipment What is VeChain? - Mycryptopedia.

While VeChain wasn’t specifically mentioned in the press release, this is a perfect use case for blockchain and VeChain, and a partnership worth monitoring in the future. DNV GL [over $19 bln revenue and over 12k employees] based in Norway, has decided to fully support VeChain with investing in the foundation. The two firms started the partnership as DNV GL needed to have blockchain-based technology in its reach.

VeChain Enhances DNV GL's Digital Transformation Strategy. Since the announcement of our strategic partnership in January 2018, the collaboration between VeChain and DNV GL has been progressively

31 Ene 2018 How can #blockchain technology increase transparency and efficiency across the whole supply chain, from the factory to the consumer? My Story. MyStory™ was created by DNV GL to tell the story of this bottle of wine and guarantee its quality and origin. A true story of passion, hard work and the  15 May 2018 DNV GL, la compañía de gestión de riesgos y aseguramiento de la calidad, ha adquirido una participación en VeChain, el proveedor público  4 Apr 2019 entered into a partnership with Singapore-based blockchain platform VeChain and risk Norway-based risk management company DNV GL to  17 May 2018 DNV GL has partnered with VeChain back in January 2018, specifically at the end of January, where their partnership was justified by the need  17 авг 2018 VeChain займется этим совместно с DNV GL, которая в мае приобрела миноритарную долю в стартапе.

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DNV GL stores the certificates in a private blockchain, so that the right to create new certificates and update information is restricted to us, while at the same time we utilize the benefits of the technology such as authentication, decentralization and encryption.

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This will, in turn, assist businesses in reassuring their stakeholders that infection risk management is now at the forefront of their risk management system.

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VeChain (VET) has been moving sideways in the daily chart while major cryptocurrencies bleed out in the lower and higher timeframes. In the weekly and monthly chart, VET has an impressive 11.4% and 140% respectively trending opposite to the general market sentiment.
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News reaching Ethereum World News indicate that top Risk Management and Quality assurance firm, DNV GL, has just bought a stake at VeChain (VEN). The extent of the buy-in has not been fully disclosed, but this adds to the PwC investment in VEN that was made back in May 2017 to accelerate the development of the VEN project. VeChain especially appreciates DNV GL’s blockchain solutions under the stewardship of CEO Luca Crisciotti with My Story featuring prominently in VeChain’s applications.

DNV GL partners with blockchain expert VeChain to increase transparency from the factory to the consumer- DNV GL and VeChain partnership to create a Digital September 9, 2020, Shanghai, China— In the face of the long-term impact of the COVID-19 on the global economy, VeChain, together with DNV GL, have jointly introduced a blockchain-based risk… DNV GL and VeChain will host a booth at Hall 1- M46 where the audience can learn more about My Story™ as well as VeChain’s the next generation BaaS platform called ToolChain. As the first BaaS platform built on a public blockchain, it enables everyone to implement and use blockchain as it eliminates the high technical threshold and substantially lowers the cost for SMEs.
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VeChain especially appreciates DNV GL’s blockchain solutions under the stewardship of CEO Luca Crisciotti with My Story featuring prominently in VeChain’s applications. My Story is a blockchain-based tool that enables consumers to verify the authenticity of data stored in the blockchain.

在DNV GL认识到VeChain及其技术的发展潜力后,做出了购买其部分股权的决定。同时,成为了VeChain首个正式公布的雷霆之源权益(超级)节点,这将扩大DNV GL在区块链领域的能力,意味着DNV GL将拥有验证和生产区块的特有权限,从而为公有区块链上的企业提供更多的解决方案。 VeChain (VET) and its partner, DNV GL has announced the launch of VeTrust, a new COVID-19 risk self-assessment solution for hotels in China, according to a blog post on September 9, 2020. VeChain Launches VeTrust As business activities gradually return to all sectors of the global economy amid the devastating… DNV GL i VeChain dogovorili su partnerstvo za korištenje blockchaina s ciljem povećanja transparentnosti proizvoda i informacija o dobavljačima. Na taj se način ostvaruje značajno povećanje učinkovitosti opskrbnih lanaca. DNV GL [over $19 bln revenue and over 12k employees] based in Norway, has decided to fully support VeChain with investing in the foundation.

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For over 10 years now, blockchain has for the most part been a subject of speculation, with nothing but hopes of adoption. That adoption won't come without c

With this partnership and stake in VEN, DNV GL aims at collaborating Join our Facebook Live announcement to hear how DNV GL's competencies in assurance and risk management, in combination with Vechain's blockchain 2020-07-16 2020-10-27 SHANGHAI, Oct. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- In partnership with VeChain and DNV GL, Renji Hospital, a top-ranked hospital in China affiliated with the Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Hydro and DNV GL are initiating a blockchain pilot to document product representations for Hydro CIRCAL and Hydro REDUXA. “We see that our customers and their customers request trusted information documenting the footprint from our materials and production. The news of this collaboration was announced by the VeChain Foundation in response to an official tweet regarding this by DNV GL. DNV GL’s active involvement in the ReSea ocean and river clean-up project will bring in more transparency in the process, where the leading enterprise blockchain (VeChain) will serve as a transparency tool for tracing the ocean clean-up solution. DNV GL & VeChain Livestream – Blockchain-enabled Digital Assurance Concept.